Monday 24 October 2016

Can Men and Women be a Bestfriend Even After Marriage.

Salam alaikum brothers & sisters. On this post I'm gonna talk can male and female be a best friend even after marriage. I don't think they can be a friends. HeHe. Yeah, I'm joking before we start.

So let's going straight into a see about this topic. Men and women can be a best friends assumes that they already married appears to be not true!. This is fascinating.

Now, let me be clear. I'm not saying you can't have friends of the opposite sex. And I'm not saying that all your opposite sex. And I'm not saying that all your opposite sex relationships are bad. But what I'm saying is, the unavoidable progression of relationships is something that is far to easily ignored, for how dangerous they can be. If ignored and dismissed for too long, you'll be in a relationship too deep to stop. The good person in you won't want to hurt them (your opposite-sex friend) or your spouse because neither one deserves to be hurt. So it becomes a mess.

Your spouse should be your best friend. Marriages have "ups" and "down". During an "up" season, where everything is bright and dandy, it might be easier to allow a seemingly harmless opposite-sex relationship to exist, even it is frustrates your spouse a little bit. But in the "down" season, that opposite-sex friendship could become a destructive wildfire-and one that is very hard to extinguish. During that "down" season when you start having issues, disagreements, and fights with your wife, conveniently you have a female friend who understands you, will listen, is "always there for you," and is fun and easy to talk to. 

Wait a minute, that sure sounds a lot like the vows once made to a special person called your spouse...

"Marriage is a unique relationship where you choose to throw your decisions under the authority of your words"

You made promise, and now you must make decisions that honor your promise. When you find yourself torn between where you should spend your effort and energy, the answer is likely your spouse. They are your priority, and your energy and effort should first be devoted to them. Even when it's hard, and especially when it's easy.

May Allah swt Mercy & Blessings be upon you all.

Written by,
Norbari'ah bt. Kamaluddin

Saturday 15 October 2016


Traditional Malay Marriage

              A traditional Malay Wedding is one of the most diverse, not to mention lavish, culture tradiotions in the world. An amalgation of local and islamic customs, there are numerous activities that are include in the Malay wedding tradition. The local tradition, melded with tenets of Islam, celebrates the couple's marriage in a ceremony fit for royalty.

" Adat Merisik "

           Adat Merisik, also known as the seeking ceremony, is a crucial Malaysian tradition, espicially in arranged marriages. When a man is ready to settle down with the woman, his family performs a background check on her.

                                      " Adat Bertunang "

          When the man announces his intenction to marry the woman, the couple's families meet to discuss the plan for the wedding. Both the families then set an engagement date. Adat Bertunang is a symbol that announces that the man and his woman have been brought together at last.

" Akad Nikah "

                  Akad Nikah or the marriage contract is the first formal part of Malay wedding, as per the islamic and civil laws. It is believed to give the marriage its sancity. In this ceremony, the marriage is solemnised before religious officials. The groom promises the bride that he will take care of her and provide her a family.

                                                                                                                   Written by,
                                                                                                      MuhammadAfiq B. Nasir

Sunday 9 October 2016


                  Image result for muslimah outfitsImage result for muslimah outfits

             Assalamualaikum and hi guys! I am back to write a new blog with new topic this week. The topic of my blog this week is about fashion. When we talk about fashion, everyone know that 'fashion' is all about a pouplar style, especially in clothing, footwear, accesories, make up and especially in brand. There are a lot of branded clothing and etc that makes us look more attractive and beautiful to wear. Fashion trends are influenced by several factors including economical, social and technological in this era. Most of designer all around the world use this factors to attract people and to help determine growth or decline of a particular trend. 

                              Image result for best looking outfit fashion show

Firstly, social influences play a big role on fashion's today. For example, with the influences of social media, celebrities and etc. This way have impact on fashion and trend at any time. Furthermore, In Malaysia are common with the muslimah trend that are became famous in early 2016. Muslimah trend that contains the latest style, fashions and a taste of muslimah to wear it. This mean that muslimah trend are made specially for a muslimah and proves that a muslimah can also have their taste of fashions in this era. Moreover, technology influences are growing more apparent in the fashion industry. Internet technology such as online retailer, online shop platforms have given way for trends to be identified by people. So people who don't have time to go shopping but want to stay up to date with the lates trend can easily buy with online shop in Instagram, Facebook and web that sell the outfit that you want to buy. Lastly, In recent years, Asian fashion has become incresingly significant in local and global markets. But now, Asian clothing style are also gaining bad influence based on west style which is not acceptable in some muslimah wear and outfit. Whatever  it is, you still have to be up to date and trending with what acceptable, comforting in your own way. Last but not least, try to mix and match the colour of your outfit to look more gorgeous and lively. Goodluck in styling in your own way! 
             Image result for muslimah wear and outfitImage result for muslimah wear and outfitImage result for muslimah wear and outfit

                                                                                                  Written by,

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Exotic Food

Balut: A Must Eat Delicacy In Philippines

Hi guys! In this blog, I'am doing about exotic food. I really hope you enjoy reading this blog. Okay let's started.
Filipinos are definitely exotic in many ways. The beauty of Filipinas, the talent and the whole country  itself, it expresses a complete epitome of being exotic. But when speaking of exotic foods, the Philippines probably has the most exotic ones ever in a single country. 
Among all of these exotic foods in the Philippines, there is one that stands above rest. This food is defining factor of all exotic foods in the country. This food is called the "Balut". It is basically a fertilized duck egg that has a prematurely developed embryo on the inside. In order to make it, the eggs are fertilized for about 16-18 days. After this, the Balut is boiled with its according length of time. Then it is served and eaten right from its shell. It is also considered as a very famous aphrodisiac. Thus in the Philippines, it is commonly sold in during night time. It is also popularly known to produce high-protein.
"Balut" is named after the Filipino term which means wrapped. Today, it has been one of the most controversial exotic foods around. It has been used in television shows as a means of dare to the contestants. One example of this was on the reality show, "Survivor". 
It might be unacceptable to some but for Filipinos, it is one of the country's most treasured delicacies.  It has made the Philippines unique from all of the countries in the world. Many touring television shows have showed it and it just basically amazes every foreigner especially first-timers. It is definitely exotic food ever in this world
For all of you who enjoyed this blog with a light heart and cool head, y'all are awesome. I hope I, at the very least, entertained you. Thank you.

                                                                                                  Written by, 
                                                               Norbari'ah bt. Kamaluddin